Gym exercises for you to tall

Gym exercises for you to grow

No movement will lengthen your bones, but stretching and strengthening exercises can improve your posture and allow you to stay upright. Sitting all day long is part of a pretty sedentary lifestyle. The use of gym equipment to stretch the spine and correct a bad posture fights habits that lead to stooping.


Each gym has a type of draw bar or suspension. Hold on to this bar. Due to the suspension, gravity can easily pull and lengthen the spine, increasing the distance between the vertebrae. It's an easy way to stretch your arms, back and even legs. Hold the pole together with your palms and your hands. Hang and stretch for 20 seconds. If possible, use a pole on which the entire body can hang with your legs straight. Bend your knees if you can not find a bar high enough. When hanging up, pay attention to areas that feel tight and counteract loosening. These areas may be areas of additional stress or knots, and you should consult an athlete in the gym to find out how to stretch your hot spots.

Roman armchair, lower leg lift

Strengthening the abdomen supports your spine and helps you stay upright. Strong lower abdominal muscles can correct the inclination of the pelvis forward, d. H. If you remove your buttocks. Bring the spine back to its normal curve, supported by strong abdominal muscles, and extend it to stand higher. To train your abdominal muscles in the gym, look for the vertical Roman chair, the leg suspension station, or the Captain's chair. Hang the bar or hang the lower part of your body so that your upper body rests on the armrests of the chair. Put your back against the back pad, if any. Then squeeze your stomach and squeeze your legs together. Bend your knees and gently pull them towards the chest. Lower your legs again.

The lobster

Enjoy gymnastics mats used for stretching exercises and lobster making. Lobster exercise is a yoga posture that strengthens the muscles of the mid-back, upper back and spine so you can get up. Without strong back muscles your body has no choice but to sag and twitch. The lobster is well done with the shoulders down and the back and chest open to emphasize a good posture. To make lobster, lie down on your stomach. Keep your arms by your side and touch the top of your feet to the floor. Press your legs and hold them straight. Start with your forehead touching the ground so that your neck is aligned with the spine. Then connect the shoulder blades by lifting the legs, arms, head and chest of the floor a few inches. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds and take a deep breath. Return to the ground.

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