Hormone-Balancing Rules To Live By

Hormone-Balancing Rules To Live By


I remember walking the street in New York on a sunny winter's day. I was dumbfounded that I was tired, could not sleep well at night, and could hang on to belly fat despite a nearly perfect exercise program.

I went to my family doctor who told me that everything was "normal". But since I did not feel normal, I started my own research and found my symptoms: bad mood, tiredness, insomnia, premenstrual syndrome, swelling, brain veil, acne. I asked some of my most trusted master friends, but they could not find an explanation. When I searched for these symptoms on Google, I was postmenopausal, but I was young and otherwise healthy and although she was not near the menopause. I needed urgent answers.

After many conversations, books and scientific articles, I realized that I was dealing with a case of hormonal imbalance for which Western medicine still does not have a good title or treatment, but that is quite common and goes with one Imbalance of intestinal microbiome associated. Even my own medical colleagues, who had undergone extensive training, sympathized with me for having similar symptoms, but no diagnosis or "proven" medical solution.

Sometimes, when you listen to your own body and make proactive changes to your diet and lifestyle, it's the right answer. And that's what I did. My path to healing had been trial and error, but I finally ended the lifestyle changes that really changed my life, as well as the hundreds of people I helped to remedy. to their hormonal imbalances since then. In transforming my own health, I understand that this is an area where nutrition, ancient medicine and modern medicine are found.

    1Be careful with hormone therapy and artificial hormones.

It is so tempting to solve a hormonal problem simply by adding hormones. I tried this method by getting over-the-counter progesterone cream, but I almost immediately started with side effects like acne. Worse, I've read studies linking hormone therapy to cancer. (A recent study has even shown that low-dose hormonal contraceptives and hormonal IUDs pose a similar risk!) Hormone therapy has long been considered dangerous, and I've learned that foods are really drugs when they're hormonal

Its elimination: Use hormonal contraceptives as a last resort to treat the symptoms of hormonal imbalance.

2. Make sugar a very casual gift.

Sugar is a hormone pump. Those who control our weight, hunger and blood sugar levels, such as insulin, leptin and ghrelin, become less effective if they consume sugar chronically. The hormones of metabolism determine the level of fat burning and also have a major impact on your energy level and your menstrual cycles. Insulin and leptin resistance not only lead to fat storage; They increase inflammation and affect your estrogen and testosterone levels.

Your snack: See sugar as an occasional treat. Make sure that the foods you consume, such as coffee drinks, yoghurt, nut butters, cereal bars, and milk-free milk, contain no sugar or are low in sugar.

3. Eat cruciferous vegetables.

Broccoli, cauliflower and kale fix excess hormone in the gut and expel it. It is a natural detoxification! Indole-3-carbinol has been shown to help control estrogen by binding to excess estrogen and improve gut microbiotics, leading to better hormonal health.

Your snack: Try to eat 3 to 5 cups of this vegetable every day. Even if it's a healthy dining room, this may seem like a stretch, but it's worth it! Remember to start slowly with cruciferous vegetables, otherwise you will feel bloated.

4. Be realistic about your stress level.

You may have heard that chronic stress can disrupt your hormonal balance, but you may not have realized that it can be a strenuous exercise or an extreme diet (such as a low-carbohydrate diet or prolonged fasting). , I firmly believe in intermittent fasting, but you MUST realize that it strains your body. The reduction of body stress (and also emotional stress!) Is often overlooked by diet and exercise. Yoga, meditation or a few minutes of mindfulness during the day can help you.

Your Delivery: Did you know that moving your stress hormones is amazing when you are in the nature especially in the morning? to attempt

5. Think of adaptions.

I love all adaptions, but Ashwagandha, Rhodiola and Maca Root are some of my favorites. They can be very powerful and powerful, so you need to work with a professional before you try. If you do everything right for stress management, nutrition and exercise, Adaptions can be a very good hormonal balance.

Your delivery: Try 300 to 600 milligrams Ashwagandha or 200 milligrams Rhodiola. Make sure you talk to a doctor and get it from a reliable source!

6. Prioritize intestinal health.

It may be a strange feat, but improving your gut can work wonders for your hormonal balance. In fact, the microbiome looks like another endocrine system with all the new research into the production and modulation of hormones. Did you know that intestinal bacteria modulate estrogen, progesterone and testosterone? Healthy intestinal bacteria can also suppress autoimmune antibodies to the thyroid, such as those in Hashimoto.

The health of the gut and microbes is the abbreviation for healthy hormones as the gut modulates and excretes hormones (and now we believe that it also produces). Society always tends to refer to bacteria as "bad," but the bacteria are really good. Walk barefoot, work in the garden, share food and avoid spicy cleansers and preservatives

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