Heart Attack Signs

Heart Attack Signs

What You Need to Know

If you think you are having trouble with your heart, it is imperative to talk to a health professional about the symptoms. There are many different heart problems that may affect you. From a heart attack to arrhythmia (an irregular heart beat), we are going to go into some of the classic heart attack signs. Knowing what these are will help make sure you are prepared and know what to do should a problem arise. Again, when dealing with the heart it is important to talk to a health care professional about any symptoms you may be facing.

We are going to next go into some of the most common signs of a heart attack.  It is important to heed the warning signs if they appear. After this, we will look at some other common heart problems people have. Finally, we will take a look at some tips and suggestions for living healthy and having a happy heart. By the time you are done reading, you should have a very good idea of what you should do if the heart attack signs appear in you or someone you love. Having this information is a good way to make sure you survive a heart attack.

Common Heart Attack Signs and Symptoms

These are some of the basic signs that appear before a heart attack commences.

    Chest Discomfort - Pain in the center of the chest area that lasts for more than a few minutes is one of the biggest signs of an impending heart attack and should be taken seriously.
    Shortness of Breath - Whether it becomes before or after chest pain or discomfort, there is likely to also be shortness of breath when a heart attack is approaching.
    Upper Body Discomfort - In addition to shortness of breath and discomfort in the lungs, general upper body pains may also be a sign of a heart attack.
    Cold Sweat - This is a minor symptom, but it may be present in someone who is about to suffer from a heart attack.
    Light Headedness & Nausea – Additionally, nausea and feeling light headed are other signs that should be taken seriously.

Even if a person has no history of heart problems, it is important to know and watch out for any of these signs as they may point to a heart attack.

heart attack signs

Other Heart Problems

While a heart attack is serious, there are other heart related problems that may appear. Here is a look at some of them.

    Congestive Heart Failure – When the heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply oxygen to the body, it is known as congestive heart failure or CHF. It is primarily caused by diseases that affect the muscles of the heart or the body, requiring the body needing more oxygen, which the heart can’t keep up with. Congestive heart failure can actually affect a lot of different parts of the body. Fatigue is one of the early signs of CHF, as well as sleeplessness, increased urination and more.
    Heart Murmurs - These are abnormal sounds that appear during your heartbeat cycle. The sounds are able to be heard with a stethoscope and are caused by blood near or in the heart not acting as it should. While most heart murmurs are harmless, there are some cases where they may be an indicator of other heart problems, which is why they should be taken seriously.

Surviving a Heart Attack

If you want to survive a heart attack, you must pay close attention to the signs if they appear and take action quickly! Acting fast and getting medical attention is the best way for you to survive the effects of a heart attack. Here are some tips to help you survive a heart attack.

    Plan Ahead – Preparation is important when dealing with a heart attack. Because it happens so fast, it is a good idea to have a plan in place and put it into action when the time arrives.
    Delays are Deadly - The longer you delay, the more serious the possible consequences when dealing with a heart attack. The moment you see the first signs of a heart attack, you need to take action immediately.
    Medical Personnel - Having all your medical information handy for the paramedics, nurses and doctors is a very good idea. These days there are many different ways you can keep this information close at hand for times of emergency.

Better Heart Health

Here are some ideas that may be recommended by your doctor or physician.

    Blood Thinning Medication - There are a variety of medicines that may be used to thin your blood so that your blood has less of a chance of clogging and causing you problems. These will be prescribed by a doctor. You should follow their directions carefully when taking any medication to thin the blood – and be aware of any possible side effects.
    Medicine to Lower Cholesterol - This is another option that your doctor or health care professional may take to help lessen the chance of a heart attack. When taking this medication, it is important to follow the prescription carefully.
    Eat Healthy – Eating healthy foods in moderation can go a long way in making sure your body is healthy and your heart doesn’t need to work harder than it should to pump blood through your body.
    Exercise - This is another common sense item, but when you are talking about avoiding a heart attack, you want to make sure you come up with an exercise routine that will not cause you problems.

There are many other things you should put into place to avoid problems with your heart, but knowing the major heart attack signs and having a plan in place to deal with them when they appear is crucial if you want to survive a heart attack.

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