6 tips to prevent a heart attack

6 tips to prevent a heart attack

 1.  Make sure you maintain a good diet

The first of the tips to prevent a heart attack is to eat a balanced diet. For it:

Keep your body hydrated by consuming enough water. Also, avoid soft drinks, alcohol and energy drinks.
Try to eliminate precooked and processed products and replace them with fresh foods.
Limit the consumption of sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Avoid the consumption of trans fats, such as vegetable oils or margarine. Replace them with healthy fats such as avocado, coconut oil or unpasteurized butter.
Include, at least once a week, foods rich in omega 3 such as blue fish or take a nutritional supplement that contains it.
Eat foods rich in vitamins C, E and beta carotene. These nutrients help protect the arterial layer against oxidation. They are responsible for neutralizing free radicals, slowing down wear and deterioration of the heart, as well as slowing the increase of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the arteries.

2.  Decrease salt consumption

When there is too much sodium in the blood, the arteries narrow and the volume of fluid that circulates in them is greater, with respect to its size. This increases the pressure in the arteries and can cause from hypertension to cerebrovascular problems.

However, this does not mean that you should completely stop eating salt. Your body needs this element to perform some of its functions.

Ideally, add a pinch of salt to your food. Of course, avoid those processed products, since they have a high level of salt in their ingredients.

3.  Take care of your gastrointestinal health

Perhaps you think that what happens in your stomach has little to do with preventing a heart attack. However, this idea is far from reality.

The truth is that some serious intestinal problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can alter the body, to the point that there is a heart attack or stroke.

4.  Learn to rest

A good rest is essential to maintain normal levels of adrenaline and cortisol. Therefore, rest well will help prevent a heart attack. In addition to sleeping seven hours, it is necessary that the rest be of quality.

If you feel very tired during the day, try to take a short nap. Experts believe that the perfect duration of a nap is 20 minutes. No more no less.

5.  Keep an exercise routine

Usually, when cardiovascular problems are diagnosed and you want to prevent a heart attack, it is usually recommended to do some physical activity.

As for the duration and frequency, it is clear that the ideal is to perform, at least 30 minutes a day. And as for the maximum time, this will be indicated by the treating doctor.

While the most recommended activities are walking, jogging, running, swimming and doing yoga, there are other disciplines that can be more fun and motivating, such as:

Tae Bo.
Kick boxing.
Aerobic dance


6. Avoid over-exerting yourself


Just as it is advisable to lead an active lifestyle, it is also necessary to know how far to go and when to stop. To determine what your limit may be, you should consult your doctor. The professional will tell you what is most appropriate, according to your health status.

Keep in mind that overworking you will only exhaust you, not give you a better physical condition. Keep your efforts within the healthy parameters. And, in case you need to make some kind of extra effort, like carrying weight, for example, ask for help.


Go ahead and complement your life habits with a relaxation session. You can resort to mindfulness to clear your mind, order your ideas and release accumulated emotional tension.

Remember, your psycho-emotional health is also important to take care of your heart.

When your body is relaxed and your mind is calm, your heart does not have to try harder to fulfill its functions. Then, the risk of suffering diseases or a heart attack is reduced.

Try to take at least 20 minutes a day to cultivate your peace of mind. For this, you can perform a meditation session upon awakening or before going to sleep.

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