10 exercises to train every inch of your body
10 exercises to train every inch of your body
Stay with the basics
We know that daily exercise is good for optimizing your
health. But with so many options and unlimited information, you can easily feel
overwhelmed at what works. But do not worry. We have your back (and your body)!
Take a look at the 10 exercises you can do to improve your
fitness. Combine them with a routine for a simple yet powerful workout that
will keep you fit throughout your life. After 30 days, although you can only practice
them twice a week, you should see improvements in muscle strength, endurance
and balance.
Also note the difference in the clothing of your clothes:
Why are these 10 exercises shaking your body?
A safe way to effectively attack your exercise program? Keep
the noise to a minimum and stick to the basics.
1. Slots
To challenge your balance is an essential part of a
well-rounded exercise routine. Flares do just that. They promote functional
movement while increasing the strength of your legs and glutes.
Start with the shoulders of the feet and arms down.
Take a step forward with your right leg, bending your right
knee. Stop when the thigh is parallel to the ground. Make sure your right knee
does not stick out over your right foot.
Raise with your right foot and return to the starting
position. Repeat with the left leg. This is a repeat.
Complete 10 reps for 3 sets.
2. Push ups
Go down and give me 20! Flexions are one of the most basic
and effective body weight movements that you can perform as the muscles are
Start in a table position. Your heart should be tight, your
shoulders down and back, and your neck neutral.
Bend your elbows and begin to lower your body to the ground.
If your breast rubs it, extend your elbows and return to the beginning.
Concentrate on keeping your elbows close to your body during exercise.
Complete 3 sets as many reps as possible.
3. Squats
Squats increase the strength of the body and lower body as
well as the flexibility of the lower back and hips. Because they affect some of
the largest muscles in the body, they also have a big impact on calories
Stand with your feet slightly wider than the width of your
shoulders and arms at your side.
Strengthen your heart and hold your chest and chin up,
squeeze your hips back and bend your knees as if you were sitting on a chair.
Make sure your knees do not bend or bend, do not go down
until your thighs are parallel to the floor, and bring your arms into a
comfortable position. Take a break, stretch your legs and return to the
starting position.
Complete 3 sets of 20 reps.
4. Dumbbell presses
Compound exercises that use multiple joints and muscles are
great for busy bees as they work on many parts of the body simultaneously. A
standing press is not only one of the best exercises you can do for your
shoulders, but also the upper back and the middle.
Choose a set of light weights (we recommend 10 pounds at the
beginning) and begin to stand with your feet spread. Move the weights over your
head so that your arms are parallel to the ground.
Support your heart and push until your arms are completely
stretched over your head. Keep your head and neck free.
After a short break, bend your elbows and lower the weight
until the triceps is parallel to the ground again.
Complete 3 sets of 12 reps.
5. rows of dumbbells
With this dress, your back does not just look like a killer,
but the dumbbell rows are another compound exercise that strengthens multiple
upper body muscles. Choose a medium weight dumbbell and make sure you push the
upper part of the movement.
Start with a dumbbell in each hand. We do not recommend more
than 10 books for beginners.
Lean forward at the waist so that your back is at a
45-degree angle to the floor. Be careful not to bend your back. Let your arms
hang. Make sure your neck is aligned with your back and that your kernel is
Start with your right arm, bend your elbow and pull the
weight toward the chest to make sure your lat is activated and stops just below
your chest.
Return to the starting position and repeat the process with
the left arm. This is a repeat. Repeat 10 times for 3 sets.
6. Deadlift around one leg.
This is another exercise that challenges your balance. Leg
lifts require stability and leg strength. Take a light to moderate dumbbell to
complete this movement.
Start with a dumbbell in your right hand and knees slightly
Lower your hips, kick your left leg and lower the dumbbell
to the floor.
When you have reached a comfortable height with your left
leg, slowly return to the starting position with a controlled movement by
tightening your right buttock. Make sure that your pelvis remains perpendicular
to the ground during the movement.
Repeat 10 to 12 repetitions before moving the weight of the
left hand and repeat the same steps on the left leg.
7. Burpees
An exercise we hate, Burpees are a super-efficient exercise
for the whole body and an excellent investment for your cardiovascular
endurance and muscle strength.
Start with the shoulders of the feet and arms down.
Start with your hands in front of you to squat. When your
hands reach the floor, lift your legs up.
Do a push-up.
Return to the starting position and lift your feet up to the
palms that hang at the waist. Place your feet as close to your hands as
possible and if necessary move away.
Stand up, raise your arms and jump.
This is a repeat. As a beginner, complete 3 sets of 10
8. Side boards
A healthy body requires a strong core at the base. Do not
neglect certain kernel movements like the side table. Focus on the connection
between mind and muscle and the controlled movements to ensure that this movement
is successful.
Lie on your right leg and right foot with your left leg and
foot. Lift your upper body by placing your right forearm on the floor with your
elbow directly under your shoulder.
Pull your core together to harden your spine and lift your
hips and knees off the ground to form a straight line with your body.
Repeat in a controlled manner. Repeat 3 sets of 10-15
repetitions on one side and then change.
9. Sit-ups
Although they have a bad reputation for being too basic,
squats are an effective way to address the abdominal muscles. If you have back
problems, continue with a contraction, with only the upper back and shoulders
off the ground.
Start by lying on your back, knees bent, feet flat and hands
behind your head.
Keep your feet on the ground and raise your head by drawing
your heart at any time. Do not press the neck during the upward movement.
When your chest reaches your legs, start the controlled
phase to return to the starting position.
As a beginner, complete 3 sets of 15 reps.
10. Wolverine bridge
The buttocks work effectively in your back chain, which is
not only good for you, but also makes your prey happier.
Lie down on the floor, knees bent, feet on the floor and
arms outstretched, palms down.
Press with your heels and lift your hips off the floor by
pressing the core, glutes and hamstrings. The upper back and shoulders should
always rest on the floor and the middle of the knee should form a straight
Hold up for 1 to 2 seconds and return to home position.
Complete 10-12 repetitions for 3 sets.
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