Natural health tips and nutritions that really help everyone
Natural health tips and nutritions that really help everyone
It's easy to lose yourself through health and nutrition.
Even qualified professionals often have the opposite opinion.
Despite all the differences, the study recommends several health tips.
Natural health tips help you many other side.
Here are 15 Natural health tips and nutritions rely on sound science.
1. Don’t drink sugar calories
Sweet drinks are one of the most important things for your body.
In fact, your brain does not measure calories in liquid sugars as well as solid foods (1 reliable source).
So when you drink soda, you consume more calories (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source).
Sugary drinks are strongly associated with obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and many other health conditions (Source 4 Reliable, Source 5 Reliable, Source 6 Reliable, Source 7 Reliable).
Remember that some juices are just as bad as soda because sometimes they contain the same amount of sugar. Its low antioxidant content does not eliminate the harmful effects of sugar (8Trusted Source).
2. Eat nuts
Despite being fat in fats, nuts are incredibly nutritious and healthy.
They are loaded with magnesium, vitamin E, fibre and other nutrients (9)
Studies have shown that nuts can contribute to the fight against weight loss and type 2 diabetes and heart disease (10 reliable sources, 11 reliable sources, 12 reliable sources).
Besides, your body does not absorb 10 to 15% of calories in nuts. There is also evidence that this diet boosts metabolism (13Trusted Source).
In one study, almonds caused 14% more weight loss than complex carbohydrates (14 is a reliable source).
3. Avoid processed food waste
Processed food is incredibly unhealthy.
These foods are designed to activate your leisure centres. They can lead to excessive eating in your brain, and some even promote cravings for food (15 raw sources).
They generally have low fibre, protein and micronutrients, but are full of unhealthy ingredients like sugar and refined grains. This is why they usually serve low-calorie foods.
4. Don't be afraid of coffee
Coffee is very healthy.
It contains many antioxidants and studies have reduced coffee consumption, longevity and type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and many other diseases (16 reliable sources, 18 reliable sources).
5. Eat bluefish
Fish is an excellent source of high-quality protein and healthy fats.
This is especially true for salmon-like bluefish rich in omega-3 fatty acids and other nutrients (22).
Studies show that people who consume more fish less often suffer from a variety of diseases such as heart disease, dementia and depression (23 reliable sources, 24 reliable sources, 25).
6. Get enough sleep
The importance of sleeping well cannot be stressed enough.
Insomnia can increase insulin resistance, alter appetite hormones and reduce physical and mental activity (source: source, source, source, source).
Insomnia is one of the most essential personal risk factors for weight gain and obesity. One study found that 89% and 55% of children and adults with insomnia are at increased risk for overweight (Source: 30%).
7. Take care of your health with probiotics and fibre
The bacteria in your gut, collectively called the gut microbiota, are very important for overall health.
The disorder of the gut bacteria has been associated with some of the most severe chronic diseases in the world, including obesity (a reliable source of 31, 32).
Probiotic Foods Yogurt and salt, probiotic supplements and many fiber are good ways to improve the health drop. In particular, fibres act as a fuel for intestinal bacteria (33 reliable sources, 34 reliable sources).
8. Drink water, especially before meals.
Drinking enough water can have many benefits.
Surprisingly, you can increase the number of calories you burn.
Two studies show that it can increase metabolism by 24-30% in 1 to 1.5 hours. This can result in additional calorie consumption of 96 if you drink 2 litres (8.3 cups) of water per day (35Trusted Source, 36Trusted Source).
The optimal time to drink it before meals. One study showed that consuming 2.1 cups (500 ml) of water 30 minutes before each meal increased weight loss by 44% (37 sources).
9. Do not overcook or burn your meat
Meat can be a nutritious and healthy component of your diet. It has a high protein content and contains several important nutrients.
Problems arise, however, when the meat is overcooked or burned. This can lead to the formation of harmful compounds that increase the risk of cancer (38Trusted Source).
When cooking, make sure that the meat is not overcooked or burned.
10. Avoid bright light at bedtime.
If you are exposed to bright light at night, you may interrupt the production of melatonin sleep hormone (39Trusted Source, 40Trusted Source).
One strategy is to wear amber glasses that prevent blue light from getting into the eyes at night.
In this way, melatonin can be produced as if it were completely black, allowing you to sleep better (41 Reliable Source).
11. Take Vitamin D3 if you do not have much sun
Sunlight is an excellent source of vitamin D.
However, most people are not sufficiently exposed to the sun.
In fact about 41.6% of the US population. UU. It is deficient in this essential vitamin (source traced).
If you can not get enough sunshine, vitamin D supplements are a good alternative.
Benefits include better bone health, more strength, fewer depression symptoms, and less cancer risk. Vitamin D can also help you live longer (Source Source 43Trusted, Source Source 44Trusted, Source Source 45Trusted, Source Source 46Trusted, Source Source 47Trusted, Source Source 48Trusted, Source Source 49Trusted).
12. eat fruits and vegetables
Vegetables and fruits are loaded with prebiotic fibre, vitamins, minerals and many antioxidants, some of which have a strong biological effect.
Studies show that people who eat the most fruits and vegetables live longer and are at lower risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and other diseases (50, 51).
13. Make sure you eat enough protein
Eating enough protein is crucial for optimal health.
In addition, this nutrient is particularly important for weight loss (Source 52Trusted).
High protein intake can dramatically increase your metabolism and make you feel full enough to automatically consume fewer calories. You can also reduce the craving and your desire to eat late at night (source supplied, source delivered, source delivered, source delivered, source delivered, source delivered).
It has also been shown that adequate protein intake lowers blood sugar and blood pressure (57 Trusted Source, 58 Trusted Source).
14. Do cardio
Aerobic, also called cardio, is one of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health.
It is particularly effective in reducing belly fat, the harmful type of fat that accumulates around the organs. Reduction of abdominal fat should lead to a significant improvement in metabolic health (Source 59 Trusted, Source 60 Trusted, Source 61 Trusted).
15. Do not smoke and do not take drugs. Consume only moderately.
If you smoke or abuse drugs, first discuss these issues. Diet and exercise can wait.
If you drink alcohol, do it in moderation and avoid drinking alcohol if you tend to drink too much.
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